Harald Schmidt



Excerpts of the series "transformation & reconstruction" are shown here, which were created through digital manipulation of  photographs made from the Koh-I-Noor building in Montpellier.


Through the transformation process, fantastic details in the light reflections but also in hidden material properties can be made visible, and by this - in some cases - nearly get a “touch of Hundertwasser" - I hope, I am excused, for using this comparison.

The individual pictures puzzled together to a large installation, reconstruct the facade of the KOH-I-NOOR building.

koh-i-noor sur le lez "lk" - transformation (2019)

koh-i-noor sur le lez "l'hôtel de ville (lc)"- transformation (2019)



koh-i-noor sur le lez "lu" - transformation (2019)

koh-i-noor sur le lez "lb"- transformation (2019)

koh-i-noor sur le lez "la" - transformation (2019)

koh-i-noor sur le lez - transformation (2019)

*installation of individual photographs (height: approx. 7m)


 © Harald Schmidt, 2023